Viewers of Train to the End of the World Season 1 are wondering how many episodes are in the series and when each new episode comes out. The post-apocalyptic anime series follows Shizuru Chikura, who lives in a unique countryside town whose residents are experiencing a mysterious phenomenon. Determined to find their missing friends, Shizuru and her friends decide to explore the outside world by boarding an abandoned train, unsure of what dangers lie ahead at its final destination. Who knows where this so-called “doomsday” train will take them?
Here’s how many episodes are in Train to the End of the World Season 1 and on what day new episodes come out.
How many episodes are in Train to the End of the World Season 1?
Train to the End of the World Season 1 will have 12 episodes.
The episode list so far is as follows:
- Episode 1: I’ll Be Going Now
- Episode 2: Suppose, Maybe, Presumably
- Episode 3-12: TBA
The first episode of Season 1 premiered on April 1, 2024, with the season finale slated to air on June 17, 2024. Tsutomu Mizushima and Fumihiko Suganuma co-direct this anime series created by Apogeego. EMT Squared has animated the light novel, and Kodakawa has produced the anime.
The main voice cast of Season 1 includes Azumi Waki as Nadeshiko Hoshi, Chika Anzai as Shizuru Chikura, Erisa Kuon as Reimi Kuga, Hina Kino as Akira Shinonome, Kazuyuki Okitsu as Zenjirō, and Nao Tōyama as Yōka Nakatomi.
When do new Train to the End of the World Season 1 episodes come out?
New episodes of Train to the End of the World Season 1 typically come out every Monday, on Crunchyroll.
The official synopsis for the series reads:
“The story is set in a town in a not-so-ordinary countryside, where a big and strange occurrence is happening to its residents. But a young girl named Shizuru Chikura has a strong desire to see her lost friend again. Shizuru and three other girls board an abandoned train, and they set out to the outside world, where survival is not certain. What awaits them at the last stop of the “Doomsday Train?”
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